Program List

The number of (the)data : 5



Naho serves as the deputy curator of a museum she took over from her grandfather, a passionate art collector. She also inherited his firm aesthetic sense and is married toa man who is the third curator of a gallery in Ginza, Tokyo.
While Naho, who is pregnant, is staying in Kyoto on a long-term basis to evade the hustle and bustle of Tokyo, she encounters a painting drawn by an unknown painter.
Trying to get closer to the painting that she is utterly fascinated by, she is lured to a world mixed with art enthusiast’ desire where she discovers a life-changing truth.

  • Comedy
  • Human

  • Comedy
  • Human

What Happened to Our Nest Egg!?


The 2015 best-seller novel by Miu Kakiya has been adapted to film by director Tetsu Maeda (“A Banana? At This Time of Night?”). As of April, 2020, the book has sold over 260,000 copies.
In Japan, it is said you need 20 million yen saved up for retirement. Though everyone has their worries about the future, not many openly talk about it. This film comically depicts this problem through the eyes of a respectable-looking family that’s actually a bit dysfunctional.

The main character, Atsuko, is your average housewife who believes in frugality. She has a husband, Akira, who’s quite clueless about the family budget, a daughter who works part-time, and a son in college. Though Atsuko had been saving up for retirement, she gets in an argument with her sister-in-law and her husband one day, and she ends up having to pay 4 million yen for her father-in-law’s funeral. As if that’s not enough, her husband’s company goes bankrupt, she gets fired from her part-time job, her daughter wishes for a lavish wedding with her fiancé who’s in a heavy metal band, and her big-spending mother-in-law moves in. The family’s savings dwindle by the day.
Problems between husband and wife, parent and child, wife and mother-in-law, a child’s marriage, a child moving out, caring for a parent, and funerals… These are all problems that everyone faces. As the family is hit by one dilemma after another, they struggle and torment themselves in order to overcome adversity.

  • Human
  • For Women
  • Tearjerker
  • Factual
  • Medical/Health
  • Sitcom

  • Human
  • For Women
  • Tearjerker
  • Factual
  • Medical/Health
  • Sitcom

The Hikita’s Are Expecting!


This is a story about a married couple, ”Mr. & Mrs. Hikita” who have been having difficulty with fertility treatments for several years.
The couple had enjoyed their life like an adventure, so they have never thought about having a baby (like an ordinary life). One day, the young wife just said, “I want to meet Hikita-san’s baby!” Then they started trying to have a baby. However, it’s not easy to become pregnant. Mr. Hikita is 49 years old at the time, he is too old to have enough ability for pregnancy! Mr. and Ms. Hikita start to get infertility treatments, but it fails again and again. Facing a conflict with the wife’s father who strongly oppose to the treatment, they continue the treatments.


  • Mystery
  • Science
  • Mystery
  • Science



A story-a-week episodic medical mystery that treats the theme of reality changing when faced with imminent death. Mystery and exhilarating human drama unfold against the backdrop of the “unnatural death institute”, or “UDI”. For example, the body of a young man is brought into the UDI lab one day; his cause of death attributed to ischemic heart disease in which blood fails to be conveyed to the heart. But the victim’s parents are puzzled by the freak nature of their son’s death and turn to medical coroner Mikoto, to find out why. Together with her lab technician partner, Yuko Shoji, and rookie medical recorder, Rokuro, they examine the body for a possible drug poisoning, and then learn that another female colleague of the deceased man has just died suddenly.

1회 완결의 법의학미스테리. 「죽음과 마주하여 현실 세계를 바꿔간다」가 테마이다. 부자연사 규명 연구소 통칭“UDI랩”을 무대로 스릴있는 해명과 통쾌한 인간드라마가 전개되어 간다. UDI랩에 한명의 남성사체가 운반되어 온다. 사인은 심근에 혈액이 운반되지 않는 것으로 일어나는 허혈성 심질환. 건강했던 아들의 돌연사를 납득할 수 없었던 부모의 의뢰로 주인공 법의학자 미코토가 해부를 맡는다. 임상검사기사 쇼지와 신참기록원 로쿠로. 시신의 상태에서 약물중독에 의한 사망 가능성이 부상하고 검사가 진행된다. 바로 그때 남성의 직장동료였던 여성도 돌연사했음을 알게 된다.


  • Comedy
  • Human
  • Food/Cooking

  • Comedy
  • Human
  • Food/Cooking

Solitary Gourmet Series (Season 10 Starting in October, 2022)

孤獨的美食家 系列劇

This drama features the art of eating alone. Goro Inogashira runs his own little imported goods business and visits many different towns from day to day. The places where he stops to eat are where this drama unfolds. In each episodes he discovers new and surprising gourmet food and we are treated to his unique and peculiar view on the art of eating alone. Though the drama is based on a popular comic book, the eateries he stops by are actual restaurants that are located by the crew beforehand

這是一部描述孤獨美食之藝術的劇集。 主人公井之頭五郎個人經營著一家進口雜貨店,他每次親自登門拜訪客戶時,都會尋找隱藏在城市各個角落的美食店。在每一集的故事裏,每當主人公結束拜訪後,饑腸轆轆的他放下一切,專心地尋找著街頭巷尾能勾起他食欲的小店。每當沈浸在一個人享受美食的過程中,主人公的內心除了美食心無旁騖,填飽肚子後煩惱也一掃而光。 本劇是根據同名漫畫改編而成,運用了紀錄片風格的描述方式,其中劇中登場的餐館也全部都是真實存在的,每集之後更有作者親自走訪劇中出現的餐館,采訪店主並品嘗其更多的特色美食。